Acupuncture, an age-old method of healing, is gaining widespread recognition as an emerging health care method. Its ability to relieve a person from pain has actually push patients to combine this traditional Chinese medicine with conventional scientific treatments.

Acupuncture: Emerging Healthcare Method?

~Overview of Acupuncture as a Healthcare Method^

Have you ever been pricked by a needle before? If you have, then most definitely, you are very much aware of the pain it brings. But do you know that this ultra-thin, stainless steel prickly object can actually help in improving your health? All you need is to simply look back into the history of the Chinese, and you’ll completely understand how hundreds of needles all over your body have actually introduced a new method of healing called acupuncture.

~Tracing the History of Acupuncture Treatment^

Acupuncture is perhaps one of the oldest—if not, the oldest—traditional Chinese medicine treatments in the world. It goes way back almost 5 centuries ago, and contrary to popular belief, this wasn’t just common in China. In fact, countries such as Egypt and South Africa were already practicing acupuncture, one way or the other. For example, the tribesmen called Bantu were using objects to help them cure their diseases. The Eskimos, on the other hand, would settle for sharp stones, which they would pierce deep into their skin. But the use of bronze needles can be tracked to the Chinese acupuncture practitioners.

Acupuncture is defined as a method of inserting and then manipulating the needles to certain portions of the body. This is based on the belief of acupuncture practitioners that the body is made up of two opposing forces, which they call the yin and the yang. The Yin is described as the cold and the passive one, while the yang represents the active and aggressive persona. A person gets a disease when the balance between the yin and the yang, which, in turn, will prevent the proper flow of vital energy called qi. This energy is said to maintain and control every aspect of a human being, such as his emotions, mental abilities, physical well-being, and spirituality. Placing the needles along the different points of the body will be unblocking the qi.

~Outlining the Benefits of Acupuncture Therapy^

There have been constant debates today on whether acupuncture therapy can be considered as a new branch of medicine or not. But regardless of the doubts, there are actually plenty of benefits that a person can get out of it.

It removes the importance of taking in pain killers. In a study conducted in 2002 by NHSDA, or the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, there are around 9 percent of the population who have been illegally using pain killers, such as opioid. This is because pain killers can be very addictive, especially if they are taken regularly. With acupuncture treatments, only needles and nothing else are used to get rid of the pain. Thus, you can be assured that you don’t have to struggle to any form of addiction at later points in your life.

It relieves a person of stress and can help the fight against addiction. In a research conducted on acupuncture, it is revealed that the needles can actually prevent regular blood flow to the brain for several seconds. At this time, a person who is undergoing the treatment will experience heaviness of their hands, which also means that the acupuncture therapy is done properly. When there is lesser blood going to the brain, this vital organ of the body will also be working less, and, in turn, some important areas of the brain will be relieved from too much work. Acupuncture treatments then can help manipulate certain areas of the brain, so you can have better control of your cravings, mood, pain, and, of, course your addiction. It is also one of the reasons why acupuncture for weight loss is very popular these days. A person can get rid at least 5 kilograms off his weight from constant treatment.

It works perfectly well with conventional modes of treatment. Though there have been some illnesses that have been cured with constant acupuncture therapy sessions, there are still diseases that it can only work to relieve yourself from pain. Nevertheless, you can always get yourself acupuncture treatments and be under conventional medications and therapies.

It improves the condition of the heart. Angina is a medical condition wherein there is not enough blood being pumped to the heart. Thus, you will feel chest pain, discomfort, shortness of breathing. Acupuncture treatments can help reduce the number of myocytes, or muscle cells in the heart, to enhance the proper flow of blood.

~Uses of Acupuncture in Health Care Systems^

In a report published by the National Institutes of Health in 1997, it was discovered that there are thousands of doctors, dentists, and other health care professionals that are currently using acupuncture as a form of pain relief and in treatment of certain health conditions. As a matter of fact, based on the National Health Interview Survey, which was accomplished in 2002, there are more than 8 million adults in the United States that had tried acupuncture and around 2 million had gone for it in 2001.

Its popularity doesn’t really mean that it’s the ultimate treatment method. Usually, acupuncture treatments are used together with conventional ones. For example, for women who are going to deliver their baby through Caesarian section, acupuncture is utilized alongside with anaesthesia, which will then reduce the pain of the mother during childbirth. She can also look forward to faster recovery period. Those who are under medication for their headaches, vertigo, stomach pain, and heart ailments would also combine acupuncture therapy, provided that they have talked about it with their health care providers. Acupuncture treatments are also well-known pain relief solutions for those who have undergone accidents. They can still be well under physical therapy, but acupuncture can reduce the physical trauma. It is also applied after chemotherapy sessions to control the nausea and vomiting of the patient.

~Apprehensions on Acupuncture^

Despite the rewards one may get from acupuncture, there are still a number of people, usually belonging to the medical industry, that tries to downplay its role in health care. For them, TCM, in which acupuncture treatments are part of, doesn’t really on any scientific methods, which is in direct contrast with the conventional modes of treatment these days. There are no histological and anatomical bases on the definition and the existence of the meridians or the acupuncture points.

This is also the same sentiment shared by the National Institutes of Health in 1997. According to them, it’s very difficult to relate the principles of acupuncture with that of present scientific and medical information. However, it acknowledges the great role it portrays in health care, especially when it comes to treatment.

~Settling for Acupuncture^

You will always have the last say when it comes to going for acupuncture treatment. However, if you decide to do so, make sure that you can talk to acupuncture practitioners or even visit his acupuncture clinic. You should know before hand what you can expect from the treatment. Most of all, you must inform your health care provider such as your medical doctor before proceeding to acupuncture therapy. This way, you can prevent any possible side effect.