Mobile Technology

Posted by Atezaz | 6:05 AM | | 0 comments »

Mobile technology refers to portable technology or knowledge of methods of production. It is know-how that combines equipment, usually referred to as hardware, programming, usually referred to as software, networking and operating system. The equipment is made to easily be in motion from place to place and is also manufactured to be used comfortably by the respective users.

In the world today, this term often means using and transferring information technology via portable equipment. Mobile technology, therefore, is much more frequently used in an information technology (IT) department of any organization. These equipments which utilize mobile technology are mobile “smart” phones, Personal Digital Assistants or PDA’s which are sometimes referred to as palmtop computers, Global Positioning System Devices or GPS’s, laptop computers and wireless terminal equipment for debit/credit card.

A major advantage of using mobile technology can be realized by the improved services and products that are offered to clients. To illustrate the use to this technology in business, a salesman’s scenario will be used. Mr. Smith (the salesman) makes presentations to perspective clients and customers. He does this in the client’s preferred location to the convenience of the client.

To perform the presentation, Mr. Smith carried with him a laptop for the presentation and a mobile phone to confirm location and other communications. After completing the presentation, the client will want to remain with Mr. Smith’s product literature material like brochures. This can be done by transferring the information to their computers. Mr. Smith can at this time, schedule any follow-up meetings with the client after he consults remotely with his diary by use of his office network facility. This demonstrates the client-focused service.

Further, mobile technology enables customers pay for products and services online. This reduces time spent on going to the store or service provider and queuing at the till. It also enables transfer of information such that a manufacturing process can be used in China as well as in the United States of America. This is made possible by agreements reached by the buying and the selling parties.

Mobile technology ultimately creates the flexibility of office preferences and working hours for staff. Mr. Smith can travel and work while traveling. Technological programming that connect office network to the staff permit staff to set workstations offsite. The network allows staff to create new customer accounts, consign orders online, confirm availability of products and stock, and counter-check prices and rates.

There is an equally large appreciation of mobile technology in domestic living. This technology enhances daily living by connecting friends and relatives using the same equipment and networking principles. Mr. Smith can easily find out if his wife has passed a driving test by calling her. He can also find out about a new drug that is on sale to give to his ailing child.

However, a huge drawback of mobile technology is the initial cost outlay that is attached to the setting up of the technology. In addition, if not adequately watched, the equipment may expose valuable intelligence, information and data to unlawful parties.