Smoking leads to development of diseases such as lung cancer due to nicotine present in tobacco. Apart from cancer, smoking is associated with many health disorders such respiratory ailments caused by soot that accumulates along respiratory tract. Nicotine contained within tobacco has withdrawal symptoms thus leading to addiction. It has some effects to the brain that cause an excitement feeling. Some researchers term the good feeling as mild euphoria. Scientists and researchers warn use of tobacco due to serious health drawbacks associated with it.

One of the problems caused by smoking is cardiovascular disorders. This results due to hardening of arteries. Scientifically, the condition is referred to as atherosclerosis. In some occasions, atherosclerosis occurs to vessels taking blood within the heart’s myogenic muscles. This results to heart attacks or cardiac arrests. According to reliable statistics, smoking is the leading cause of death associated with lung cancer.

Lung cancer occurs due to triggering of cells within the lungs. This results to uncontrolled proliferation of cells leading to cancer. Once cancer has hit the lungs, functionality of one’s lung is adversely affected. Other notable consequences of smoking include intoxication of blood system. Signs of blood loaded with toxins include development of boils on one’s skin. Other effects include procreation of stunted babies. This occurs to women who smoke while pregnant. Such babies suffer from poor memory, poor development as well as mental retardness. In many occasions, babies born by such mothers are abnormally small and suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Apart from causing health problems, smoking has effects on one’s social life. This is particularly seen between married couples. One spouse may be disappointed with a partners smoking behavior thus causing squabbles in the marriage setup. Due to these problems, many programs campaigning against smoking have cropped up in many parts of the world. Some governments as well as non-governmental organizations support such programs. Majority of such programs offer tips of quitting from this habit. An example of such programs includes Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT.

NRT entails use of less harmful nicotine containing products. An example includes the nicotine patch. Doctors approve use of nicotine patch because nicotine within the patch takes long before entering the blood system. This is contrary to nicotine found in tobacco because the tobacco nicotine enters the blood system instantly. Doctors prescribe use of nicotine patch to nicotine addicts. This helps them kick off the habit slowly thus avoiding harmful withdrawal symptoms associated with instant quit.

Another example of stop smoking program includes the “quit smoking plan”. This plan helps addicts to quit the habit without causing harmful effects. According to this plan, there are steps one should follow. The first step entails reasons behind the quitting decision. Many addicts realize effects of smoking when it is too late however; according to specialists, quitting the habit reverses the harmful effects. The second step entails setting up of a quitting date.

The third step entails recognition of barriers that hinder one from quitting. This includes friends, withdrawal symptoms as well as relapses. At this point, one should seek professional help to continue with the program. These programs have helped thousands to quit smoking thus guaranteeing long and healthy lives.