Ultimate Real Estate Marketing

Posted by Atezaz | 6:22 AM | 0 comments »

Real estate is marked by personalized approaches to marketing mainly because it involves long term investment of families or individuals into their homes. Each customer presents uniqueness demands and personalized requirements to be met before committing to even consider buying a real estate property. A lot of passions go into purchasing the dream house of a family for example. Couples attach a lot of importance to their first or final house. For this reason, the seller must always remember that each potential home buyer owner will only purchase what he or she feels to be the best house available within his economic means. It is all about his personal taste.

The irony comes in when people refuse to buy a property regardless of its value, if it does not attune to their desires. Having a very valuable asset with key marketable features does not guarantee easy sales in real estate marketing. Cases attesting to the contrary abide. A perfectly solid estate that is worth its dollar will definitely be ignored by many if not all potential home buyers, if it does not appeal to personalized preferences or if it is marketed in such a way that doesn’t appeal to the internalized, biased and unique tastes of the market. As such, it is the core job of a real estate marketer, not only to ensure that his property is a worthwhile entity, but also to add value on it by precise marketing based on the dominant social needs of the market like outdoor and indoor sports, family sizes, weather etc.

A good illustration of this is a real estate investor who has already laboriously acquired a relatively newly built million dollar house with antique enhancements, 5 bed rooms, extensive car garage structure, numerous fireplaces, a classically tiled floor in a piece of land with space to spare for the swimming pool, garden and court. Ultimate real estate will involve three distinct stages of customer stimulation first the marketer will give the house an external face lift that will hit the local grapevine and social discussion about the “cute house around the corner.’. But the market is still passive about it.

The second stage will involve creating interest on the still passive prospective buyers. Pictorial advertising, regular guided tours around the property and similar undertakings will do the trick. The marketer will also usually quote a low selling price for the equity, even lower than they intend to sell. This automatically transforms the property from a passively regarded cute house to ‘a wonderful investment offer. Adverts and sale quotations placed about the house will specifically hammer home why the house is ideal for sizeable families (unquantified), why the house is ideal for weight conscious people due to ample sports space, and such antidotes. Every family in the area will start regarding the house as the ideal family house. At this point, the house is ready to hit the market big time, which is the third stage of ultimate real estate marketing.

The home is finally advertised for a price high enough for profits, explaining the sudden raise in initial price quoting to rising demand for the house. The buyers are sure that their neighbours will buy the house if they don’t and will not argue because as far as the price is reasonably adjusted, the house promises what the buyer has been looking for. That is ultimate real estate marketing for you.