Weight Loss Tips

Posted by Atezaz | 6:26 AM | | 0 comments »

Weight problems have nagged people for years however; with discovery of new weight loss techniques, weight related problems should be a problem of the past. Excess weight gain has consequences that vary depending on an individual’s make up. For example, some people develop diabetes after adding weigh over the years while others suffer from cardiovascular ailments. Apart from suffering from diseases, overweight people suffer from low esteem due to their appearance. Due to these problems, weight loss is procedures have improved over the years however; effectiveness of a procedure depends on an individual as well as extent of weight gain.

Apart from genetics, the most common cause of weight gain is excessive intake of calories. Food nutrients are classified into carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins as well as minerals and water. Among these classifications, carbohydrates contain the highest level of calories. To minimize weight gain, you should consume fewer carbohydrates to avoid build up of calories. Sugary foods such as chocolates and grubs have high levels of calories thus their tendency to increase one’s weight.

Avoiding or cutting calorie intake is the best option in weight loss reduction. Unfortunately, majority of people prefer junk food to foods such as vitamins thus the difficulty of cutting calorie intake. According to experts, consumption of low carb diets minimizes weight gain. Low carb diets are rich in fiber but poor in calories. Examples include oats and foods made from whole meal grains. Fiber has a full feeling thus minimizes one’s amount of food consumption. This leads to reduced calorie intake resulting to weight loss.

Another method of cutting weight gain is burning up of calories stored within your body. There are many methods of burning calories. The most common method includes physical exercises. Metabolism of glucose occurs in many ways depending on amount of glucose present. The principal metabolism of glucose or carbohydrates is glycolysis. This is chemical breakdown of glucose to produce energy in form of ATP or Adenosine Triphospahate.

ATP is very necessary because it is the form of energy used by all body processes such as thinking, breathing as well as running. Problems start when less ATP is used because this results to build up of energy. Such occurrence leads to accumulation of glucose within your body hence the body responds by converting glucose to glycogen via a metabolism process called glycogenesis. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose. Continued storage of glycogen leads to conversion of glycogen to fats within the adipose tissues. This results to weight gain and eventually obesity or excess weight gain.

The issues of regular physical exercises curbs energy storage process thus no accumulation of fat within adipose tissues. Physical exercise burns out calories by utilizing fats stored in the adipose tissues. According to experts, frequent and regular jogging as well as walking produces dramatic results. Instead of using the lifts, you should cultivate a habit of using the stairs. Combination of diet and physical exercises as weight gain remedies produces commendable results to people determined to loss weight. When carried out with a positive attitude, you losses weight easily and fast.