Posted by Atezaz | 6:47 PM | | 0 comments »

Moving ahead from our example of adding numbers we progress to a program that can sort a list of numbers using the tools that we have accumulated till now. Sorting can be ascending or descending like if the largest number comes at the top, followed by a smaller number and so on till the smallest number the sort will be called descending. The other order starting with the smallest number and ending at the largest is called ascending sort. This is a common problem and many algorithms have been developed to solve it. One simple algorithm is the bubble sort algorithm.

In this algorithm we compare consecutive numbers. If they are in required order e.g. if it is a descending sort and the first is larger then the second, then we leave them as it is and if they are not in order, we swap them. Then we do the same process for the next two numbers and so on till the last two are compared and possibly swapped.

A complete iteration is called a pass over the array. We need N passes at least in the simplest algorithm if N is the number of elements to be sorted. A finer algorithm is to check if any swap was done in this pass and stop as soon as a pass goes without a swap. The array is now sorted as every pair of elements is in order.

For example if our list of numbers is 60, 55, 45, and 58 and we want to sort them in ascending order, the first comparison will be of 60 and 55 and as the order will be reversed to 55 and 60. The next comparison will be of 60 and 45 and again the two will be swapped. The next comparison of 60 and 58 will also cause a swap. At the end of first pass the numbers will be in order of 55, 45, 58, and 60. Observe that the largest number has bubbled down to the bottom. Just like a bubble at bottom of water. In the next pass 55 and 45 will be swapped. 55 and 58 will not be swapped and 58 and 60 will also not be swapped. In the next pass there will be no swap as the elements are in order i.e. 45, 55, 58, and 60. The passes will be stopped as the last pass did not cause any swap. The application of bubble sort on these numbers is further explained with the following illustration.


State of Data Swap Done Swap Flag
Pass 1 Off

60 55 45 58 Yes On
Yes On

55 60 45 58

55 45 60 58 Yes On

Pass 2 Off
Yes On
55 45 58 60

45 55 58 60 No On
No On

45 55 58 60

Pass 3 Off

45 55 58 60 No Off
No Off

45 55 58 60

45 55 58 60 No Off

No more passes since swap flag is Off

Example 3.3

001 ; sorting a list of ten numbers using bubble sort
002 [org 0x0100]
003 jmp start
005 data: dw 60, 55, 45, 50, 40, 35, 25, 30, 10, 0
006 swap: db 0
008 start: mov bx, 0 ; initialize array index to zero
009 mov byte [swap], 0 ; rest swap flag to no swaps
011 loop1: mov ax, [data+bx] ; load number in ax
012 cmp ax, [data+bx+2] ; compare with next number
013 jbe noswap ; no swap if already in order
015 mov dx, [data+bx+2] ; load second element in dx
016 mov [data+bx+2], ax ; store first number in second
017 mov [data+bx], dx ; store second number in first
018 mov byte [swap], 1 ; flag that a swap has been done
020 noswap: add bx, 2 ; advance bx to next index
021 cmp bx, 18 ; are we at last index
022 jne loop1 ; if not compare next two
024 cmp byte [swap], 1 ; check if a swap has been done
025 je bsort ; if yes make another pass
027 mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program
028 int 0x21


003 The jump instruction is placed to skip over data.

6 The swap flag can be stored in a register but as an example it is stored in memory and also to extend the concept at a later stage.

011-012 One element is read in AX and it is compared with the next element because memory to memory comparisons are not allowed.

13 If the JBE is changed to JB, not only the unnecessary swap on equal will be performed, there will be a major algorithmic flaw due to a logical error as in the case of equal elements the algorithm will never stop. JBE won’t swap in the case of equal elements.

015-017 The swap is done using DX and AX registers in such a way that the values are crossed. The code uses the information that one of the elements is already in the AX register.

21 This time BX is compared with 18 instead of 20 even though the number of elements is same. This is because we pick an element and compare it with the next element. When we pick the 9th element we compare it with the next element and this is the last comparison, since if we pick the 10th element we will compare it with the 11th element and there is no 11th element in our case.

024-025 If a swap is done we repeat the whole process for possible more swaps.

Inside the debugger we observe that the JBE is changed to JNA due to the same reason as discussed for JNE and JNZ. The passes change the data in the same manner as we presented in our illustration above. If JBE in the code is changed to JAE the sort will change from ascending to descending. For signed numbers we can use JLE and JGE respectively for ascending and descending sort.

To clarify the difference of signed and unsigned jumps we change the data array in the last program to include some negative numbers as well. When JBE will be used on this data, i.e. with unsigned interpretation of the data and an ascendi ng sort, the negative numbers will come at the end after the largest positive number. However JLE will bring the negative numbers at the very start of the list to bring them in proper ascending order according to a signed interpretation, even though they are large in magnitude. The data used is shown as below.

data: dw 60, 55, 45, 50, -40, -35, 25, 30, 10, 0

This data includes some signed numbers as well. The JBE instruction will treat this data as an unsigned number and will cater only for the magnitude ignoring the sign. If the program is loaded in the debugger, the numbers will appear in their hexadecimal equivalent. The two numbers -40 and -35 are especially important as they are represented as FFD8 and FFDD. This data is not telling whether it is signed or unsigned. Our interpretation will decide whether it is a very large unsigned number or a signed number in two’s complement form.

If the sorting algorithm is applied on the above data with JBE as the comparison instruction to sort in ascending order with unsigned interpretation, observe the comparisons of the two numbers FFD8 and FFDD. For example it will decide that FFDD > FFD8 since the first is larger in magnitude. At the end of sorting FFDD will be at the end of the list being declared the largest number and FFD8 will precede it to be the second largest.

If however the comparison instruction is changed to JLE and sorting is done on the same data it works similarly except on the two numbers FFDD and FFD8. This time JLE declares them to be smaller than every other number and also declares FFDD < FFD8. At the end of sorting, FFDD is


declared to be the smallest number followed by FFD8 and then 0000. This is in contrast to the last example where JBE was used. This happened because JLE interpreted our data as signed numbers, and as a signed number FFDD has its sign bit on signaling that it is a negative number in two’s complement form which is smaller than 0000 and every positive number. However JBE did not give any significance to the sign bit and included it in the magnitude. Therefore it declared the negative numbers to be the largest numbers.

If the required interpretation was of signed numbers the result produced by JLE is correct and if the required interpretation was of unsigned numbers the re sult produced by JBE is correct. This is the very difference between signed and unsigned integers in higher level languages, where the compiler takes the responsibility of making the appropriate jump depending on the type of integer used. But it is only at this level that we can understand the actual mechanism going on. In assembly language, use of proper jump is the responsibility of the programmer, to convey the intentions to use the data as signed or as unsigned.
The remaining possibilities of signed descending sort and unsigned descending sort can be done on the same lines and are left as an exercise. Other conditional jumps work in the same manner and can be studied from the reference at the end. Several will be discussed in more detail when they are used in subsequent chapters.