It is very advisable to exercise caution when it comes to using any form of drugs and since steroids are also drugs the same case applies. Steroids are the worst kind of drugs and just like heroine and cocaine a person can easily become addicted. Steroids come in two categories or broad classifications. Steroids can either be anabolic steroids or corticosteroids respectively. Medical practitioners and doctors normally use corticosteroids to treat body inflammations. This form of steroids is the safest in terms of legality and side effects to a person’s body. Many states usually allow its citizens to use this form of steroid without any legal prohibitions. In the medical field this form of drug is also widely accepted for its efficiency and effectiveness in treating body inflammations. In fact a lot of doctors often prefer using corticosteroid to administer their treatment to patients because they usually have minor or no side effects if used the way they are supposed to.

Anabolic steroids on the other hand have received very negative reviews in the medical field and a lot of medical experts discourage its use. These categories of steroids are synthetic proteins which are very popular especially with body builders who want to attain faster muscle growth. Athletes also use anabolic steroids because they boost a person’s energy level and thus enhance their performance. If you use steroids in body building you are guaranteed faster results as compared to using the natural means.
Although there are very many supplements in the market capable of increasing the speed of muscle development many people turn to using steroids out of shear ignorance. In fact it is very advisable to use steroids as compared to supplements because they are much safer in terms of posing threat to a person’s health.
You can not fail to consider the side effects which might come out of using these steroids. Failure to consider them will be very foolish because I believe there is nothing more important than a person’s health. Even if you have all the money in the world you can not enjoy life if your health is pathetic.
Imagine being a rich man capable of getting any woman in the world but you can not do that simply due to the fact that your performance is not up to standard when it comes to pleasing a woman. You could even become impotent such that you can’t even sire a child to inherit your thrown. Try to picture also that you are a woman with a body physique to die for and capable of getting any man you want but you have difficulties when it comes to coupling because your clitoris is very large. Females can also become infertile because anabolic steroids normally affect a persons menstrual cycle.
Other complications associated with taking steroids include, insomnia, abnormal growth of the prostrate gland, acne on the face, heart conditions to enlargement of the heart and arteries, high blood pressure to name just but a few.