An analysis of the chemical substance in anabolic steroids will be very beneficial in helping you choose which type will enable you achieve the desired end result. Your goal could be to lose weight, gain lean muscles or even gain massive muscles this will determine the type of steroid you are going to use.
There are various steroids which have been designed to enable an individual get into shape by shedding of the excess fat which include; anavar, winstrol, primobolan, masteron, primobolan, trenbolone winstrol and also testosterone propionate.
The chemical substance found in anabolic steroids can not make you lose miraculously. You need to follow up steroid taking with eating the right kind of foods in your diet.

The body contains various globular proteins which are found in body of a person, and the major role of these globular proteins is to render androgens inactive by bringing them together. When they are brought together the androgen receptors become inactive and in the process the growth and development of the muscle tissues can not be able to take place. This poses a great threat to those body builders whose sole intention is to gain more muscles and look massive. This binding substance will take up about 80 percent of the available space and thus the same percentage of testosterone will also be bound up.
This problem has been solved as scientists have modified the chemical structure in steroids so as to be able to exhibit the characteristics of testosterone to a certain level and ignoring the receptors which make it possible for the globulin compound to be able to attach itself and combine with the receptors of the testosterone.

Steroids also have chemical substance in them called lignan which are capable of increasing the amount of enzyme responsible for producing nitric oxide. When nitric oxides are in high amount there will be an increase in the rate at which blood is being pumped into the muscles and this will create a situation where there will be pumping of blood to various muscle at high pressures. This will boost the energy level of the person using it as expected and thus if you are an athlete your performance in the field will be greatly improved.

This process follows the following mechanism; the entire body testosterone as it is circulating in the body is always bound to another chemical substance which is protein in nature. The resultant effect is that the testosterone becomes inactive and thus unable to facilitate proper muscle growth. For the testosterone to be set free then it needs to be transformed in nature and the only chemical possible of doing this is lignan.
Lignan will then combine with the protein which was bound with the testosterone. The moment the testosterone is allowed to be free, it will then go back to the muscles and facilitate a faster growth. People do not achieve faster muscle growth due to the testosterone being bind up, but since steroids are able to set them free, you will find that users of steroids will achieve faster growth when compared to non users.