Movie Premieur

Posted by Atezaz | 9:51 AM | | 0 comments »

Ever since China started mass producing those extremely cheap DVD players, the number of movie goers have dwindled down. Many people would opt to buy a cheap DVD and watch their favorite actors and actresses at the comfort of their own homes in their pajamas. Another reason would be due to the fact that the price of movie tickets have gone up as compared to before. In the past, movie tickets were rather cheap which was why it was easy to simply go to the movie house and catch a movie to distress.
One good way of raising funds would be to have a movie premiere fundraiser. As it is for a good cause, people would think twice and opt to watch their favorite stars on the big screen instead. To go about with this sort of fundraiser, one would need to tie up with a cinema that is accessible to many people. They could slightly bring down the price of a movie ticket for people to be more interested to watch the movie at that particular movie house. They could throw in a couple of freebies with each movie ticket to make it more enticing. For example, the cinema could throw in a hotdog and a Coke with each movie ticket. It would also be good to give the movie goers choices for their freebies. Aside from just a hotdog and a glass of Coke, they can opt to have a tub of popcorn and a glass of Coke that would come free with the ticket. To make it even more enticing, they can add another freebie that would be limited to the one hundred buyers. It could be an extra tub of popcorn or another hotdog. If that would not be amenable, one could opt to have discounted tickets. For example, for every ticket they buy, they get a 5 percent discount off a tub of popcorn.
If the movie is a local film, it would be good to invite local movie stars involved in the movie to participate in these kinds of fundraisers as it will bring more people to come ad watch in order to hopefully get a glance of their favorite star. This will be a bonus too for the actors as this could serve as a promotional campaign for their movie.
To spread the word, one should go around populated areas such as schools and malls. Get volunteers to help sell these tickets to be able to reach more people. Start organizing this fundraiser a month to two in advance. This would give the organizers time to get the cinema involved and make a deal with the cinema. To give the organizers enough time to go around and spread the word, two weeks to a month would be ample time so they can make sure that the cinemas would be full. Careful and detailed planning needs to be done so that ample proceeds would go to the cause that you are raising funds for.