Sometimes marketing is a bitter tablet to swallow for most real estate investors. Most of them reach a state of inaction after applying all the efforts and use all the means they know to attract willing property sellers and potential home owners. They are left wondering what could have possibly gone wrong since they invest lots of dollars and yet the returns are meager and the business is virtually low.
Upon these disappointments many gurus in the property business have suggested ways of conquering this and forging forward. But the reality is that the suggestions made and as much as viable as they are they happen to be quite expensive. Also these suggestions are commonplace. For all these real estate investors the remedy is sometimes within their reach and a little stretching to reach for the utmost solution is what separates them from success. For example, many of these investors have ignored the magical effect of direct mail marketing. It is seen as commonplace, but it is effective and cheap if the correct channels are followed to the letter. For instance if an investor takes his time to study the US Post Office services, they will realize the opportunity that lies underneath. The United States Post is able to give you an immaculate presort discount.
If you are able to include all of the five-digit numbers for a specified postal code, then one could qualify for a handsome discount that is even better. In addition, if one is able to include a zip code which has four presorts the post company gives them a discount that is unique it its kind and simply the best within the company.
The strong point in marketing via a mail house is basically that it will sort all the mail for you as the discount is applied on the fee you are charged. If at all this was done at home and done by the investor, it would be disadvantageous since its mandatory to pay the postage fee and wasting a lot of time on the same. On the other hand, the savings realized from smart posting can be enough since it can cater wholesomely for all the charges the mail company is projecting.
After earlier disappointments, the idea here is to arrive at the best deal while using very little effort. Always use the mail house that is located near your neighborhood. In fact, you will realize that the employees in these postal houses understand clearly the dynamics of your business, and they take the step further by being able to aid you easily and smoothly.
The effectiveness of the direct mail for marketing cannot be underestimated. It is quite easy to use and follow. The dynamics are that you are giving other people a chance to market for you and as you concentrate on other issues affecting your real estate investment. All the effort you are exerting is literally sending the kind of marketing profile that you have designed and it’s done. Talk of smart marketing.