If you are dedicated enough to your own fitness and well being to be exercising on a daily basis, you know very well that you are as good as your last workout. Feeling good about your last work out means a lot more than turning up at the gym when you happen to be in the mood and impressing yourself and everyone around you with the size of your weights and number of your repetitions.

Wanting to be your own fitness superhero is one thing, doing it is something else. It takes more than a spider bite to get most of us doing double somersaults and lifting more than our bodyweights

Staying strong, fit and healthy in the long term takes organization, planning and self knowledge. A lot of us build our whole lives on the assumption that we are where we are and we’ve got what we’ve got. It is very easy to assume that life has dealt us each a particular hand in terms of health, wealth and fitness and that all we can do is make the best of it.

In fact there’s almost always more that we can do to help ourselves succeed and all it takes is a little bit curiosity to get us started. Most of us can make the effort to do what we need to do for our jobs and families. We know what’s required of us and how many targets and deadlines we have to meet every day.

But we don’t always put in as much time, thought and effort into our own daily health and fitness needs. In fact, unless we’re competition athletes, most of us are much more likely to fly our fitness schedules by the seats of our pants.

Even those of us who are in the health and fitness business are most likely to put our energy into helping our clients and running our business than into looking what makes us tick personally. Sure, we may work out regularly, vary our routine to counterbalance the training effect and keep up with the training effect and keep up with the latest developments, but how often do we actually sit down and analyze what we’re and how we’re doing it?

Do we stop and take stock of our potential and analyze how best to use it? Do we run regular reviews of or current situation, what we want to achieve, and adjust our actions accordingly? Or do we jog along in the same old rut, doing the minimum every day and wondering why we never quite achieve our personal maximum?

Even when you are in the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. The days that things are going wrong you’re exercising below par, you’re missing your training sessions and your body feels ten years older than it was the day before. Those are the days when you might feel like you’re wearing a t-shirt with ’LOSER’ on it. And when you get stuck in a day like that It is suggested you mentally strip it off and put on a ‘WINNER’ t-shirt instead.