Players in the printing services industry have had to adapt to cope with the ever changing market demands. These factors have included the global financial meltdown and the need to protect our planet by adopting less harmful technologies.
Although advances in technology do not necessarily translate to reduced costs of operations, the advances go a long way in improving quality and efficiency. This also applies to printing. Printing technology has been improving and evolving for sometime now. This is improvement is best illustrated by the development of digital printing.
Digital printing has completely changed printing process both in terms of costs and efficiency. The advent of short run digital printing makes it possible for businesses to make small orders and reduce the time spent on printing materials.
Any business, big or small, can utilize short run printing to reduce their printing cost without the risk of compromising the quality of the printed material. The technology provides a faster, cost effective and easier way to carry out printing. By making use of this technology, businesses no longer have to tie up their capital in bulk orders. This modern technology is capable of producing smaller quantities of printed products. The benefit of this can be passed down to the consumer translating to reduced costs of goods.
A business can derive many more benefits of using short run printing. These advantages include:
Faster Printing Speed
The integration of Information Technology in business means that things get done very quickly. Therefore, for a business to be able to survive in this fast working environment, it has to keep pace. Fast printing ensures that a business gets its material in good time. These materials include important advertising flyers, brochures, business cards or booklets.
Printing Quality
Comparisons between offset printing and digital printing have shown that you can achieve the same high quality result using either technology. Offset printing, however, is only economical for bulk print.
Planet in Peril
Our planet is at a risk of been destroyed by our activities. The wastes generated by our activities have played a big role in degrading the environment. Finding a way to reduce the waste we generate can be a way of saving the environment. Compared to the more traditional offset printing, digital printing generates less waste and consumes less energy. During offset printing, the press has to be prepared by running a large amount of paper to calibrate it. This is in sharp contrast to digital printing which only requires one or two papers to be run through the printer to calibrate it. Also, digital printers do not make use of a plate.
Printing Variable Data
With digital printing, variable data can be incorporated into the document at any stage during printing. This is not possible with offset printing as offset printing makes use of a static plate. Using digital printing, each document can be customized and personalized individually with whatever information is desired. This information can for instance be customers’ account information or contact information. That extra bit of information can offer a business a competitive advantage.
Cutting on Waste
With short run digital printing, a business does not need to print large quantities of materials like brochures, flyers, catalogs and business cards. The dynamic nature of business means that the information on these materials will have to be update constantly. Printing small quantities of such material at any given time means that a business will be able to minimize on the waste generated.
Given the hard economic times which have been occasioned by the global financial meltdown, businesses - both big and small can greatly reduce their overheads by incorporating short run digital printing in their operations.